RCC Campus Services2019-06-06T21:28:26-04:00

Campus Services

Healing. Hope. Empowerment.

Campus Services

Healing. Hope. Empowerment.

Sexual Assault on Campuses

1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men will be sexually assaulted during their time spent at college. There are many risk factors for sexual violence on campus, one of which being students do not know how or where to get support.

For this reason, the Rape Crisis Center has full time staff housed at two satellite locations on the University of Akron campus to both prevent sexual violence and support student survivors.

You can find our staff at the following locations:

Student Recreation and Wellness Center 246
Student Union 152

Any student may walk in to either location to receive support and advocacy services. Staff also provides 24/7 crisis intervention services through our hotline as well as on-scene services in residence halls or at the University of Akron Police Department in addition to accompanying students through student conduct proceedings if requested.

Because RCC campus staff are not employed by the university, they are able to serve as a confidential resource for students. This means if a student discloses sexual violence, dating violence, or harassment to staff that information does not have to be reported to Title IX officers on campus. However, staff works closely with Title IX officers as part of the Sexual Assault & Violence Education (SAVE) team to help create plans to prevent and assess violence on campus.

In addition to advocacy services, our campus staff is out and about on campus doing education and outreach. They provide presentations on consent, bystander intervention, rape culture, and related topics to all incoming students in the Akron Experience courses, as well as to any class that requests an RCC speaker. Staff also works closely with student organizations, athletes, and Greek life to plan and implement tablings and outreach events, especially during Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Are you experiencing crisis?

If you are experiencing crisis please call the Rape Crisis Center Hotline or Battered Women’s Shelter Hotline. We have advocates available 24 hours a day.

If you would like to know more about Crisis Intervention and how we might support you please visit the BWS or RCC service pages.



Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00


All of our services are free and confidential and/or anonymous.

Interpreters and translation can be provided free of charge for all of our services.

More Rape Crisis Center Services

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