REACH Rapid Rehousing Program
Healing. Hope. Empowerment.
REACH Rapid Rehousing Program
Healing. Hope. Empowerment.
Program Description
The REACH Rapid Rehousing Program (REACH) is a HUD funded, DV Bonus Rapid Rehousing Program administered by The Battered Women’s Shelter, in collaboration with the Ohio Balance of State Continuum of Care. REACH, utilizing the Domestic Violence Housing First Model, provides survivor driven, trauma informed, mobile advocacy to assist survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence or stalking obtain and maintain permanent housing.
REACH has three essential program components:
- Housing Orientation (FIND)—Participants identify barriers that may affect their ability to obtain permanent housing. REACH assists the participant in developing an individualize plan to overcome those obstacles. REACH will assist in the housing search based upon the participant’s individualized needs, goals, and safety.
- Temporary Financial (PAY)—REACH may provide temporary financial assistance to include move-in assistance (security deposits and prorated rent), rental assistance, and utility deposits.
- Case Management and Service Coordination (STAY)—REACH assists the participant with community engagement to provide the resources and supportive services necessary to maintain their housing.
Program participants work with a regional Housing Advocate to develop individualized Housing Stability Plan and meet at least monthly to monitor progress.
Program Eligibility
Program participant must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- “Literally homeless” (i.e. residing in an emergency shelter, a place not meant for habitation, etc.) as defined by Category One of HUD definition of Homelessness
- “Fleeing” domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking as defined in Category Four of HUD definition of Homelessness
- Must reside in one of the 80 Balance of State Continuum of Care counties
- Interested and seeking to obtain permanent housing
Income Guidelines
Survivors must be at or below 50% of the Area Median Income for their county and household size.
Rental Assistance
The amount and duration of temporary financial assistance is determined by participant’s individual needs and goals and assessed monthly. Participants may be eligible to up to 12 months of temporary financial assistance.
Are you experiencing crisis?
If you are experiencing crisis please call the Battered Women’s Shelter Hotline or Rape Crisis Center Hotline. We have advocates available 24 hours a day.
If you would like to know more about Crisis Intervention and how we might support you please visit the BWS or RCC service pages.
BWS [email protected]
RCC [email protected]974 E. Market St.
Akron, OH 44305
Monday – Friday | 8:00 – 5:00 |
All of our services are free and confidential and/or anonymous.
Interpreters and translation can be provided free of charge for all of our services.